Publications Containing Biographical and Autobiographical Content on Stephen C. Jett*
Gade, Daniel W.
- 2003-4. Diffusion as a Theme in Cultural-Historical Geography. Pre-Columbiana: A Journal of Long-Distance Contacts 3(1–3): 19–39. Abingdon, VA: Early Sites Research Society.
Hyde, Philip (photographer), and Stephen C. Jett (writer)
- 1967. Navajo Wildlands: ‘as long as the rivers shall run’, ed. Kenneth Brower. Exhibit Format Series 14, ed. David R. Brower, 160 pp. + 19.5” x 35” map (includes 75 photographs plus selections from other authors). San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club.
- 1969. Navajo Wildlands: ‘as long as the rivers shall run’ [very slightly revised, soft-bound edition of 1967, without map]. New York: Sierra Club-Ballantine Books.
Jett, Stephen C.
- 1965. Open Season on Arches. Desert 28(5): 22–23. Palm Desert, CA: Desert Magazine.
- 1967a. Obscure Arch in Navajoland. Western Gateways 7(3): 28–29. Flagstaff, AZ: K. C. Publications.
- 1976. Pleasures Afield on the Colorado Plateau. Places 7(2): 8–10. Indiana, PA; Donald J. Ballas.
- 1994. Documenting and Naming Jett Arch. Span: The Newsletter of The Natural Arch and Bridge Society 6(1): 4–5. Ridgecrest, CA: The Natural Arch and Bridge Society.
- 2000. Confessions of a Cultural Diffusionist. Yearbook, Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers 26, pp. 171–78. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
- 2006a. NABS at Big South Fork: A Journal. Span: Newsletter of the Natural Arch and Bridge Society 18(1): 3–6, 13–15. Glade Park, CO: The Natural Arch and Bridge Society.
- 2006b. Tadrart! Span: Newsletter of the Natural Arch and Bridge Society 18(3): 1–14. Glade Park, CO: The Natural Arch and Bridge Society. [condensed by David Brandt-Erichsen; includes 18 photographs by others; see 2006c]
- 2006c. Journal of 2006 NABS Journey to Algeria, 48 pp. [Tucson]: In “The Natural Arches of Tassili National Park, Tassili N’Ajjer, Algeria,” Guilain Debossens, on The Natural Arch and Bridge Society [Website] [includes 59 photographs by others; 2006b is a condensed excerpt.]
- 2011a. NABS China Rally: World’s Longest Arch Confirmed. Span: Newsletter of the Natural Arch and Bridge Society 23(1): 8–14. El Centro, CA: The Natural Arch and Bridge Society. [See 2011b.]
- 2011b. China Diary: The October 2010 Natural Arch and Bridge Society Expedition in Search of the World’s Largest Natural Bridges and Arches, 83 pp., incl. 5-pp. Appendix 1 by Gunter Welz. The Natural Arch and Bridge Society; [includes 73 photographs by others; 2011a is an excerpt.]
- 2012. Tadrart! Span: Newsletter of the Natural Arch and Bridge Society 18(3): 1, 3–16. El Centro, CA: The Natural Arch and Bridge Society. [includes 19 photographs by others; in-color reorganization, expansion, and reprinting of 2006.]
- 2014. Last Trip down the Escalante and Glen Canyon. In Ken Sleight’s Allies & Accomplices, ed. Greg Henning, Celia Alario, and Martha Ham, pp. 22–34. St. George, UT: Martha Ham.
- 2017. Ancient Ocean Crossings: Reconsidering the Case for Contacts with the Pre-Columbian Americas. Tuscaloosa, AL: The University of Alabama Press, xx +508. [see Preface]
Jones, Stan
- 1998. Searching for the “Maybe” Arch. In Stan Jones’ Ramblings by Boat and Boot in Lake Powell Country, pp. 222–25. Page, AZ: Sun Country Publications.
MacIsaac, Tara
- 2016. Evidence Accumulates for Ancient Transoceanic Voyages, Says Geographer: An Expert’s Journey across Controversial Gap in History of the New World. Epoch Times June 8.
Pearson, Byron E.
- 2000. “We Have Almost Forgotten How to Hope”: The Hualapai, the Navajo, and the Fight for the Central Arizona Project, 1944–1968. The Western Historical Quarterly 31(3): 297–316.
- 2002. Still the Wild River Runs: Congress, the Sierra Club, and the Fight to Save Grand Canyon. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Press.
- 2019. Saving Grand Canyon: Dams, Deals, and a Noble Myth. Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press.
*Not including routine descriptions of fieldwork in Jett publications.